2017 - Personal Resolutions & Goals

Monday, January 9, 2017

2017. I love what the new year represents. To me, it represents a fresh start. A time of renewal. It makes me feel driven to accomplish my personal goals. Lets be real here. Most of us. Uh umm. {Guilty face} Including myself, have good intentions on keeping resolutions/goals and never follow through with achieving them.

So what of you dont? What do you have to lose if you dont? Nothing. You will just be in the same place you are now. Why not give it a whirl? 

I have always felt so much better having goals to work towards, even if I never make it to them. Writing them down with those good intentions of changing is what it is about. Change.... It is all in hoping for change for the better. I truly believe that by writing these things down, in a sense, begins preparing you mentally and emotionally for goal accomplishment.  

In 2017 I will do/have/be/say/etc LESS

social media 
empty promises 
over scheduling
volunteering for too much

And I will do/have/be/say/etc MORE

bible journaling
saying "no"
attending church
one on one with my children
blog posts
helping the needy
free time

Work goals:
I am Docket Coordinator which at times can require extensive multitasking. I like to incorporate work goals in with my new year resolutions as well.  I mean, I feel like I do a pretty good job, and most of these things I do anyways, but there is always room for improvement. I may just want to do better than 2016. I am constantly wanting to better myself in my work environment. 

•Keep a planner (color coded)
•Positive attitude 
•Combine work and home calendar in google
•keep office clean
•neater penmanship 

Photography Business goals:

•organize workflow
•trim post processing time
•offer digital downloads
• book 10 new clients (or more!) 

If you know me, any, you know I quite possibly could keep this list going and going. I think this does a good job with overall summing up where I am headed. 

Here's to putting on my game face and letting 2017 know who's in charge. Chyeahhhh!

Later mermaids! ✌

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