Five things on Friday

Thursday, January 26, 2017

One. the life-changing magic of tidying up. I am seriously thinking of either, one.) purchasing this book or two.) listening to the audio version of this book. {There just so happens to be one on YouTube} I have really been into purging things in my house this year, getting rid of all of the unneeded items. I sure hope this is a new habit of mine? It really makes me feel better on a whole. We shall see how long it lasts. Any of you guys find this book helpful?

two. makeupbytiffanyd. Raise your hand if you love makeup? I have made it no secret that in my spare time I love to indulge in an unhealthy healthy amount of YouTube Vlog channels. Makeupbytiffanyd's channel is my very favorite in the makeup category. I totally know if she knew me we would be total BFF's. No, but really I just love her "no fuss" realness.  There are others I totally enjoy like the fabulous -Casey Holmes, genuine -NikkieTutorials, inspiring -MyPaleSkin, quirky -Lauren Curtis, lovely -Leeannsays...Just to name a few. Majority of these makeup vlogger's, also incorporate real life into their channels or have a separate vlog channel that aren't makeup tutorials. I mean, maybe I am silly, but I have replaced my hours of wasted aimlessly scrolling through social media looking at all the garbage, by watching these videos. I'm just saying that if I have had a bad day, these gals surely cheer me up. I find it relaxing. Hey, cheap therapy. Don't judge. 
{Not one single channel mentioned above sponsored this, I merely wanted to mention them in case you need a pick-me-up}

three. social media. Speaking of social media. I post a lot...I love to post of my kiddos, and what we are up to. I'm sort of a techy person. I love anything computer related....but geez a lou, lately, I find myself strongly disliking Facebook. Every. Single. Time. I get on there and......I see posts that I don't care to see. I can't delete my page because it is linked to my photography business page where i'd say 95% of my clientele comes from. - and hey, I am grateful for that. I can't take it anymore though. I think I operate better on a "What you don't know, you don't know" and "Ignorance is Bliss" basis. I think there is too much information being put out there. Some say, well- you blog, whats the difference. You put info out there and read other info??!! The difference is that media hasn't taken over my blog....POP up articles/politics/garbage from where my cousins, uncle's daughter's friend who's Mom that I do not know and I am not even friends with liked or shared ________ x,y & z{whatever it may be} - that I don't need to see, care to know or need to know. Yet, it popped up for me to see...... I'm just so over it. I don't mind Instagram, it feels like the "higher end" of social media. I don't ever see trash there. {not that is doesn't exist there, but you have to look for it on there}. I plan on sharing my blog posts on FB but other than that, I think I am taking a hiatus. Sorry for the rant, I just want to know if anyone else feels this way sometimes? 
four. kullen & braces. Kullen got his braces on today. He looks like a cutie with them. {Don't all moms say this?} He did well, but boy, oh boy. He is very sore. I love my boy so much but I think Kullen has the braces version of The Man Cold - if you catch where I'm steppin'.  I do feel sorry for him though. I keep reminding him it will all be worth it. You only get one set of teeth, better make the best of it. He got pampered & had a chocolate milkshake, which may have not cured the soreness but it was good for his heart. Bless it!

five. reagan & tumbling. Reagan has alway's had a ton of energy. Like- a lot. She cheer's for our little town's PeeWee Cheer from about August to November. We take a break for the holidays, but then after the first of the year, she gets bored and needs an outlet. I asked last year about dance and she said she wasn't really interested in dance but would love to do gymnastics. So she took tumbling for a while and then cheered and now she is back in tumbling. She has struggled some in school and even though she is resilient, she still struggles with finding something she shines at. Sure, she has so much more to learn, but she really shines at tumbling and you can really tell she has a passion for it. It makes her feel good about herself. The gym she goes to is also faith based, and they read a scripture at the end of each class, which is wonderful! I hope that she continues to use tumbling as her little outlet to express herself. She has learned that God created everyone with different strengths & weaknesses.

That's all I got folks, another week has come and gone. I have been struggling with worry this week. I came across this.

Hmmm. I've never really thought of it this way? 

Happy Weekend, Mermaids! 

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