They say a picture speaks a thousands words and from the looks of most of my snaps from this past weekend, there was a whole lot of nothing going on. That's just how we like it too! We threw on our PJ's and snagged up our favorite blanket and vegged on the couch every chance we got. {This homebody was in heaven!}
Fridays temperature was no doubt shorts & bike riding approved! All afternoon we played outside. {Kullen played playstation, imagine that!}
Saturday morning, Kullen & Reagan left with their Gomaw to attend their little cousin, Keaton's 4th birthday party. I had a first birthday photography session and grocery shopping to fill my entire day. Reagan refuses to stay the night with anyone these days {I don't mind, she is my little sidekick} so she was back with me Saturday evening while Kullen stayed at his Gomaw's house.
Saturday evening was lazzzzy {with some sprinkled in photo editing going on} and we were all in bed by 9pm. #partyanimals
Sunday morning we headed off to church. Its a good thing I have my husband because he encourages us to go to church. If we miss it is totally my fault usually. Sunday's I tend to want to lay around allllll day and I tend make entirely a lot of excuses to not go to church. It is not that I don't love our church, but we go go go go alllll week so on Sunday when I don't have plans I just want to lay around and not put on a stitch of makeup. I know this is wrong of me - if I have enough energy to go go go go all week then why should I not put forth the energy for the Lord to get fed with his word and replenished for the next week!!!??? I am working on this. We are all not perfect and this is one of the many areas I fall short in. You know what is crazy about it? I always do feel better when I go....
Sunday afternoon we ate lunch and I was pretty much was worthless until about 6pm. I had a straight up Fixer Upper marathon going on.
Kullen finally arrived home, and he was {and is} extremely sick with a cold or whatnot.
I am posting late because the school nurse called yesterday {Monday} to say Reagan had a temperature. Needless to say, I spent my evening making homemade chicken and rice soup and cleaning every crevice of our house.
Hope you all have a wonderful week, looks like Ill be spending my week with Lysol & bleach in my hand. Off to the doctor we go!
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