November Thankfulness | Day Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen & Eighteen

Monday, November 18, 2013

Happy Monday, folks. Seems I have fallen wayyy behind on the good ol' blogland. 5 Days behind to be exact. I have been super busy with Weddings and such. I'll try my best to get caught up today, lovelies.

FOURTEEN. Church Family.

Most may not know, but recently we joined a new church. We loved our old church but we were led to another. We absolutely love it. It has been a blessing to each of us!

FIFTEEN. Days off and QT.

I actually took half of Thursday and Friday off. I had just edited for seriously the past 4 days solid, and was prepping for another Wedding. I needed the time off before I lost my marbles. 
I worked half a day Thursday then got to catch up with a sweet dear friend whom just had surgery. I also got to visit another sweet friend, and let the kids play.
Friday, I spent the day with my love. I got my nails done, where I had the worst experience in my life, I nearly knocked the nail lady out, she and the nail man got into a slugfest in the nail place. Yeah, great customer service, eh? LOL Oh well it was better than trudging through Gander Mtn with hubs for hours... :) I still got to have lunch and do some shopping with him though. It is so nice to have time off and refresh yourself.
You have to REFRESH yo' self to EXPRESS yo' self..... :) LOL

SIXTEEN. Social Media.

Lame, I know, but I am. I am thankful for Social Media outlets such as Facebook, Blogger. I keep up with so many peeps that I wouldn't ordinarily keep in touch with.

SEVENTEEN. Pay it forward.

Thankful to be able to give and thankful that it always comes around full circle to receive when I am in need.


Yes. I have a slight addiction. COFFEE. I am thankful, my first cup starts during my quiet time in the mornings before the kids awake. I read my devotional, Jesus Calling, (best gift from a friend I have ever received.) and I pray. Coffee also helps me get into edit mode. Dont hate, LOL whatever it takes to make the day smoother. :)

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