EIGHT. Health
I find myself complaining..alot..about various things. This is something I swear I am working on! It will be fixed. When my neck is tense or my foot hurts from a workout, I shouldn't complain. Isn't there millions of people out there that would love to just have a tense neck or just have a hurt foot? Yes! Seeing my mother go through what all she did, and dealing with all of my fears and anxieties over the whole getting sick/death reality, I have been humbled. I know how valuable and precious life is. How precious health is. It is something we all take for granted. It is so easy to do.
BUT At any given moment, we all could be dealing with something terrible and horrible! Whether is be an awful disease, mental disorder, back pain, etc..........I have witnessed all of these.....we must never think that it wouldn't happen to us.
my point.
I am very thankful!
Thankful for my health and thankful for healthy children and husband.
Please continue to bless me and my family with good health
I ask that use my hurts/pains and life lessons with loss of loved ones/others not to bring me down lord but to help others cope.
Lord, please watch over the the sick...disease, mental disorders, pain......
Please give them strength and courage, understanding and most of all your love.
NINE. Sleep
I heart sleep. No really. :) (I need more of it though)
I am thankful that I get to sleep in an environment that is calm and safe, husband beside me and my babies cozily tucked away. I always wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
TEN. Mother in Law
I am thankful to have a wonderful, sweet Mother in Law. She is very kind to me and I am blessed to have her in my life. Plus she created this awesome man that is my Husband! :) Pam, you rock!
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