Why I am breaking up with Photography, well, sort of.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

My package that included my nice shiney new Mac got so conveniently lost by FedEx, hence why I didn't finish the Thankfulness series.  It has made for a slowwww week of editing.

Tonight, I come here, to my own little piece of the internet..where I can just be me and it is seriously my own personal form of therapy.

I have something that has really been on my heart. Please don't take offense.

This Photographer, well she has been posting really negative things on her business page lately. The truth, nonetheless, but in a brash, 'I am better than you' way. Personally, the words didn't bother me, however, I know for some new aspiring Photographers her comment could have persuaded them to put down their camera faster than light travels. Seriously... I know it is none of my business, love to look at her work and I am sure she is a sweet person who is frustrated with something or someone.         

You see, in Photography world, nothing really decides you are professional, except for the person looking and buying the photos. Its not like you get some card that deems you that way...well some do go to classes but a large part, do not. I don't know how you guys feel but some of my greatest shots were with my little ol point and shoot that I had prior to my upgrades. I know, I know, there is the argument of the shots not being that great of quality, well if that person booked someone because they liked their style, well then, that client made the choice to pay that person for their services. I've seen some pictures from some folks who know their camera buttons back and forth and I still didn't like one stinking darn picture of theirs. It's ALL about what the person looking at the picture likes. We all have different needs/wants/expectations. You don't think  that another photographer should be doing something a certain way? Or needs to be doing something different? Here is a thought...HELP them!!! 

You may be just what they need to inspire them to go the extra mile. Because while you may have that dial on M, sweetie, that A beginner is lapping around you with business sense, because who in their right mind would bash others on their business page? Wrap your brain around that one! In my experiences it is never a good thing to believe you are the best or better than anyone. Once you get so boastful that your forget where YOU came from, failure is soon to follow. I am a nobody, but the way I see it, people like to deal with nice, honest folks...not the polar opposite. RIGHT?

I get it, photography business is a DOG eat DOG world, which, totally takes my passion away from even shooting anymore. 

I am serious though, I don't know much about pictures, mine are not that great at all, BUT I have a heart, a big one, one that  would never want to discourage anyone from doing something they love to do. I don't give a flip if they were taking business from me...I would still be  genuinely nice. If  I have any knowledge that you would grow from, I would love to help. I've had people aske me a million questions and I answer them happily, because I was once there before! And a nice photographer(s) with a heart treated me with respect and answered me.

Please don't listen to the negativeness, you are great, your pictures are great and trust me keep shooting, you will be your greatest one day. We all judge, it is natural, especially in the life of social media, but try not to judge in a way that can be to the bone hurtful.

This whole situation, paired with a few others things is what is causing me to break up with Photography. Not completely, but after lots of discussion, thoughts and prayers I definitely wont be shooting full time anymore. There will be a blog post regarding this with more details within the next couple of weeks! God-willing, some plans that are in action at this very moment go through. If you already have things booked with me, please dont freak out, hehe I still plan on doing what we have planned! I still plan on shooting, Just going in a different direction. 

Please pray for me! and if you are photographer, keep shooting!

November Thankfulness | Day Nineteen, Twenty

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

NINETEEN. Teachers

I am so thankful for the Teachers who taught me. I never really truly understood a teachers impact on lives until I grew older. Now that I have school aged children and I see how much Teachers put into teaching my children, I see their passion, I appreciate them much more. It is a calling. With a calling, it is not always fun and games everyday.  It is very hard work and stressful to be a teacher and honestly, I don't see how they do it. But the big picture of a calling is where they get rewarded. They are shaping minds for the future. So glad they love what they do and that they are answering their calling. Without them, I would have no knowledge, couldnt possibly be as successful as I am now, and I wouldnt be able to see my children headed down the path to success. Also thankful for the little school system that my kids attend. Folks can say what they will, but we got a pretty darn good thing going on. I am pretty sure at some point we all may not agree with something. Take a look around the world though, people would love love love to have their children attend a school like we have. PROUD. :)

NINETEEN.  Small Town Life

Thankful for the little piece of Heaven on Earth I refer to as home. I love this little place.

November Thankfulness | Day Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen & Eighteen

Monday, November 18, 2013

Happy Monday, folks. Seems I have fallen wayyy behind on the good ol' blogland. 5 Days behind to be exact. I have been super busy with Weddings and such. I'll try my best to get caught up today, lovelies.

FOURTEEN. Church Family.

Most may not know, but recently we joined a new church. We loved our old church but we were led to another. We absolutely love it. It has been a blessing to each of us!

FIFTEEN. Days off and QT.

I actually took half of Thursday and Friday off. I had just edited for seriously the past 4 days solid, and was prepping for another Wedding. I needed the time off before I lost my marbles. 
I worked half a day Thursday then got to catch up with a sweet dear friend whom just had surgery. I also got to visit another sweet friend, and let the kids play.
Friday, I spent the day with my love. I got my nails done, where I had the worst experience in my life, I nearly knocked the nail lady out, she and the nail man got into a slugfest in the nail place. Yeah, great customer service, eh? LOL Oh well it was better than trudging through Gander Mtn with hubs for hours... :) I still got to have lunch and do some shopping with him though. It is so nice to have time off and refresh yourself.
You have to REFRESH yo' self to EXPRESS yo' self..... :) LOL

SIXTEEN. Social Media.

Lame, I know, but I am. I am thankful for Social Media outlets such as Facebook, Blogger. I keep up with so many peeps that I wouldn't ordinarily keep in touch with.

SEVENTEEN. Pay it forward.

Thankful to be able to give and thankful that it always comes around full circle to receive when I am in need.


Yes. I have a slight addiction. COFFEE. I am thankful, my first cup starts during my quiet time in the mornings before the kids awake. I read my devotional, Jesus Calling, (best gift from a friend I have ever received.) and I pray. Coffee also helps me get into edit mode. Dont hate, LOL whatever it takes to make the day smoother. :)

November Thankfulness | Day Thirteen

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

THIRTEEN. Powerful, inspiring words, quotes, messages.

WORDS we speak and WORDS we hear from others can either be HURTFUL or HELPFUL.

Today, I am thankful for the kind words that others have said to me. Sometimes on what I thought was my worst day ever, a kind person spoke a couple of soft spoken words from the heart and completely changed my outlook, mood and day possibly my whole life.

Words have power people. ALOT.

Please think about things before you say them......I myself, still havent mastered this one but I sure am thankful that I recognize the need for people to hear kind words from me. God wants us to help each other. Who would have thought things coming out of your mouth could make or break someone.? It can, you just never know what a person is going through and we all need to really be aware of that. 

I havent been able to attend Bible Study in a couple of weeks and I feel a little lost without it, but atleast I can take a few minutes while working from home to write what God has on my heart today. 

I know to majority of you are already switching gears from Fall to Christmas. Christmas has already filled the stores, and some have already tucked away the pumpkin decor in exchange for tree's and mistletoe. I myself get lost in Pinterest in the Holiday category. Hey, I'm a planner! :)
I'm not decided yet exactly when I want to switch gears yet, but I tell you one thing, I am loving Fall and for some reason, I just am bursting with Thankfulness a little more this year...God is so good.

But for some its not so great - this time of year is DOWNRIGHT tough, painful, unbearable, and lonely.

Maybe that's you.

Maybe you have lost a child?  Or a spouse? Or a parent?

Maybe you have lost a job?  Or are going through a terrible illness? 

Maybe you are in a new city and feel isolated?  Or you are lonely and this season makes you feel more alone?

Maybe you are going through Divorce?

Maybe you have anxiety stealing your joy?

Maybe you feel as if your once friends you had don't love you anymore?

I want you to email me. Seriously. 
mandi.ragland  @   yahoo dot com

I dont know what your circumstance is but.......

I want to pray for you! I want to send you some scripture! 


November Thankfulness | Day Twelve

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

TWELVE. laughter. 

 Laughter is so important! I believe it is the best medicine. I am thankful to hear my husband laugh at me, and my silly random things I say, and how he laughs at how very descriptive I am...I can really paint a picture when telling a story, sometimes more than what others want to hear! I am also thankful he makes me laugh. He is such a goofball and that is the No.1 reason I fell in love with him. I am thankful to hear my children laugh, it makes me laugh. The sound of it is so sweet! I dont know why laughter led me to sharing all these movies down below, but I am very sleepy and worn out so just roll with it! :)
 I probably lost you on this one! A few of you may know this, but I kept this sucker on repeat as a kid. Loved it.
 Match in the gas tank........ BOOM BOOM
 Carla Tate and Daniel.....LOL
 I would walk 500 Miles.....ba da da ba da da ba da da da da da

November Thankfulness | Day Eleven

Monday, November 11, 2013

ELEVEN. Freedom because of the sacrifices of young Men and Women made to serve for our Country.

I truly believe that God has a special place in Heaven for soldiers, whether dying while serving or not. It takes a very special person to step up and set aside fear, and be brave enough to serve for our country.  There are countless sacrifices made by these Men and Women daily and even when they return home some still live it the rest of their lives. My husband was in the Air Force, and I couldn't be prouder of him. He often says it is the best thing he ever did. A big thank you to my husband, along with my late Great Grandfather, and many, many others. I am just so thankful for each and every one of you. No matter what goes on in this crazy world, YOU all are what makes me proud to be an American! 

November Thankfulness | Day Eight, Nine & Ten

Saturday, November 9, 2013

EIGHT. Health

I find myself complaining..alot..about various things. This is something I swear I am working on! It will be fixed. When my neck is tense or my foot hurts from a workout, I shouldn't complain. Isn't there millions of people out there that would love to just have a tense neck or just have a hurt foot? Yes! Seeing my mother go through what all she did, and dealing with all of my fears and anxieties over the whole getting sick/death reality, I have been humbled. I know how valuable and precious life is. How precious health is. It is something we all take for granted. It is so easy to do. 
BUT At any given moment, we all could be dealing with something terrible and horrible! Whether is be an awful disease, mental disorder, back pain, etc..........I have witnessed all of these.....we must never think that it wouldn't happen to us. 

my point.
I am very thankful!
Thankful for my health and thankful for healthy children and husband.

Please continue to bless me and my family with good health
I ask that use my hurts/pains and life lessons with loss of loved ones/others not to bring me down lord but to help others cope.
Lord, please watch over the the sick...disease, mental disorders, pain......
Please give them strength and courage, understanding and most of all your love.

NINE. Sleep

I heart sleep. No really. :) (I need more of it though)
I am thankful that I get to sleep in an environment that is calm and safe, husband beside me and my babies cozily tucked away. I always wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. 

TEN. Mother in Law

I am thankful to have a wonderful, sweet Mother in Law. She is very kind to me and I am blessed to have her in my life. Plus she created this awesome man that is my Husband! :) Pam, you rock! 

November Thankfulness | Day Seven

Thursday, November 7, 2013

SEVEN. Photographer/WAHM/SAHM

This whole photography career has been a take a dive feet first and just see where it goes. Hard concept for me since I am a TOTAL Type A, planner and goal completer! I have had days where I have completely doubted my decision to do photography full time. It has been going great, but there is so much responsibility and business savvy-ness that must go along with it. Other days, its like the heavens break free and the light shines and I spread my arms up and say "Ahhhhh, ahhhhhhh" (in my Bruce Almighty voice) Ultimately, though I love it. I love what I get to capture for people! I love all of my clients. I wouldnt be human if I painted you a picture of a perfect journey. It has not been a cakewalk.

It is hard work, VERY hard. I work more now than at my other Job! I dont get paid for everything I do, and I get so overwhelmed I could pull my hair out.

Overall, I am very thankful! Not only have I had an income, I get to be flexible with my children. I get to go to their parties completely guilt-free! I am one of those that hated missing a day of work, for fear I would miss something (ha, obviously) or that I would disappoint someone. There is something to be said about the freedom of making your own decisions! :)

If my kids are sick, I am able to be with them.
If it snows, I can stay in my PJ's.
Dinner is on the table 365, well, most days...(ha)
THANKFUL, Ya'll! Just plain thankful.

November Thankfulness | Day Six

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

SIX. My furbabies.

I am a little late posting today. I have been so incredibly busy this week, getting sessions wrapped up and prepping for this weekends wedding. My prayers have been answered, as my business has picked wayyy up, but to be honest I am sick of the computer! I am looking forward to Thanksgiving break, seriously thinking of turning my computer and cell off for a few days. NO LIE!

Anywhoodles, (ha)

Yes. I am one of those crazy dog lovers.

I am very thankful for my furbabies. I never ever thought I would fall in love with any animal. I mean, I have always loved animals, but the two I have now have stole my heart. Never ever would I have had an animal in my house. It is different with them though. They always make me laugh when I am sad, snuggle with me when I don't feel good. They love me not matter what! The both have silly little doggie personalities that I know so well! Just like my kids. So glad I overcame my OCD'ness on dog hair and such, they really have been therapy for me! :)

I have more recent better pictures, I am to tired to upload! Forgive me ya'll. This girl is ready for bed.
 Dino when he was a little tiny pup. Wasn't he adorable!

 Not the best picture of Minnie! She is beautiful.

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