It's halftime, Reagan.

Monday, March 13, 2017


My dear daughter it is time for a halftime pep talk....9 is the halftime of your little journey to adulthood. I really better soak in this next year with you. It may seem silly but turning number 9 freaks me out a little with you. Not because I don't think you will be a wonderful nine year old, but because 9 to me, means you are stepping out of being my little girl and into becoming my lovely little lady. In 9 more years you will be 18!

Halftime means that we are halfway through with raising you to have learned so much thus that you have to bathe daily, your teeth are important, you cant always be the best at everything, school doesn't come easy to everyone, that perseverance really pays off- especially  like when you were learning to do your back walkover {you practiced non-stop-even in the grocery store}

This next half is going to be tough - I'll be there to coach you but you will begin to learn about choices- your own choices. Mom wont always be there and it will be up to you. You will have to make more choices yourself. Peer pressure, hormones & drama are a given in these next years.

Just as I have always preached to bubby, one of my best things as a mom I will ever tell you is, "Life is a series of choices, YOUR choices. Choose them wisely." Whether it be a choice to be brave, a choice to push on or a choice to say, NO- whatever it may be is YOUR responsibility. Not mine, not your Dad's, not Adam's- nobody else can determine your life but you. One wrong choice can destroy your life. It is ok to make mistakes and learn from them- but just keep in mind some choices change the direction of your life forever, even if forgiven.   h a r s h    but     t r u e.

I am going to insert below a poem my Mom left for me before she passed away- I have read these words many times in my life and I think it will help you too.


I gave you life..

 But I cannot live it for you.

 I can teach you things,
But I cannot make you learn.

 I can give you directions,
But I cannot always be there to lead you.

 I can allow you freedom,
But I cannot account for it.

 I can take you to church,
But I cannot make you believe.

 I can teach you right from wrong,
But I cannot always decide for you.

 I can buy you beautiful clothes,
But I cannot make you lovely inside.

 I can offer you advice,
But I cannot accept for you.

 I can give you love,
But I cannot force it upon you.

 I can teach you to be a friend,
But I cannot make you one.

 I can teach you to share,
But I cannot make you unselfish.

 I can teach you respect,
But I can't force you to show honor.

 I can grieve about your report card,
But I cannot doubt your teachers.

 I can advise you about friends,
But I cannot choose them for you.

 I can teach you about sex,
But I cannot keep you pure.

 I can tell you the facts of life,
But I can't build your reputation.

 I can tell you about drink,
But I can't say NO for you.

 I can warn you about drugs,
But I can't prevent you from using them.

 I can tell you about lofty goals,
But I can't achieve them for you.

 I can let you baby-sit,
But I can't be responsible for your actions.

 I can teach you kindness,
But I can't force you to be gracious.

 I can warn you about sins,
But I can't make you morals.

 I can love you as a child,
But I can't place you in God's family.

 I can pray for you,
But I cannot make you walk with God.

 Author: Medard Laz (from the book "Love Adds a Little Chocolate")

I sure do wish I could bottle your nine year old little self and keep you just the way you are now. This has been my favorite age of you! You seem to be more attached to me than ever and that says a lot because we have always been pretty tight since day one. I can see you mimicking my every move. Curious about my makeup, wanting to style your hair just like me, helping me in the kitchen- looking up to me to learn how to be a lady. Eight was a year of independence for you, you began to want to style your own hair and wear your own styles. You complete your daily chores around the house and for the most part you do what is asked of you. There are so many things I admire about you, Reagan. The way you keep such a light little heart even when things get tough. You know how to smile through the tough times and keep going and that is a rare quality in people these days. The way you are so thoughtful, always thinking about me or your friends first before yourself. Even though you don't like very many sports you are very athletic. You take tumbling classes and cheer and you have a natural talent in those things! You seem to make friends with almost everyone. While academics you tend to have to work harder at, your social game is strong. Creativity is your strong point, you don't do well being put inside a box. You have a temper- whoa, I didn't think I could pass down that Stone attitude but I think I did. You can go from calm to F5 tornado in about 3.5 seconds. You giggle at everything and your favorite song is Stiches by Shawn Mendes. You want to be a baker, teacher and a mother when you grow up. Three words to describe you would be free-spirited, energetic & loving. A few things you LOVE: Cheer/Tumbling, Animals, Ketchup {with everything!}, Onions {these are your fav!}, Going to town with Mom, Tennis shoes, Leggings, Broccoli , Riding your bike {or anything outdoors for that matter}, Earrings. A few things you DISLIKE: Jeans, Mayo/Mustard, Crust on a sandwich, Potatoes. Your favorite color is purple. Your favorite season is Summer.

You are truly wonderful. I am so glad you are my daughter. You are going to go so far in life! I cant wait to see what you grow up to be. Our bond may stretch pretty thin through your next half of childhood- but it will never break. I promise.

Happy Birthday my sweet 9 year old!

Love you more.

{a few random snaps from this weekend!}

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