Reagan's SIX {6} year old pictures and Room Reveal!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Some of you have been asking me to post pictures of Reagan's new
"Big girl room". I am just now finding the time to post. Between work, kids, hubs, photography among a gazillion other is almost impossible to squeeze in I dare say a whole 15 minutes. Oh and that is stretching it! Her is room is by no means just perfect but she is just so very proud of it and I love it as well. These photographs do it absolutely no justice. I can not wait to see her things in her new room in the new house. She also celebrated her 6th birthday recently in March so I wanted to document her at 6. It is so ironic to me how I am a photographer and always stress to my clients the importance of photos whether I was shooting them or they had to just snap them with a trusty ol' point and shoot.."document your life!!" is what I always say.... I should definately be practiving what I preach. I rarely take my childrens photos. Well, Kullen refuses majority of the time. (I wonder why??) LOL 

So here are a few of my favorites.

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