Confession Session

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Even though its Thursday....It's my Friday, ya'll! I am off on Friday's and I'll just have you know I am tickled pink about it. I decided to jump on the Confession Session bandwagon. 

I confess:

that I am so glad to sleep in to the whooping 6:30 in the morning. This 4am business is kicking my tail and under my eyes. I need my beauty sleep. ha 

that there will be some sleeping in going on this Saturday. Serious business.

that I have no photo sessions scheduled this weekend and I am thrilled. It is nice to have a break ever so often. Its good for the soul..and I am hoping it will provide me with a little creativity boost. Ever feel like you get in a rut?

that I am in love with all things, gold. Seriously, it is my latest obsession. Like this pretty gem.

that I am feeling a craft day on the rise...

that maybe I am to lazy to do said craft day?

that I have not had the energy to cook not one meal this week. I have been under the weather with a little nasty cold and by the time I get home from work, I am zonked. I have zero energy. So we have ordered out. Hey, dont hate, I'm not perfect. :)

speaking of the above, it reminds me, I really need to get my meal planning and freezing back together and in order.

that I really, really, did I mention really like Instagram. I really actually prefer it over Facebook. The content is much more interesting to me. FB is over-run with negative crap that I dont want to look at. Plus, IG is made up pictures and well, you guys know I love those! :) and no, IG didnt compensate me to say this. It is fully my opinion. So follow me. Ill be giving Facebook a little rest... @mandiragland

that I love holidays way more than the average bear person. All this Valentine stuff is super duper cute.

and yes, I sing this to my kids. They think I am looney. Well, if the shoe fits....hahaha!

Oh gee, would you look at that? It is my bedtime. :)

Goodnight you darlings!

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