Living Room/Kitchen Tour

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Hello, March!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I am almost certain that I speak for all of us Southerners this year when I say, I am so over Winter. I am absolutely a Fall/Winter lover. Its not really that the Snow or cold, for that matter, bothers me at all. I am just ready to be able to get out in the yard and plant some flowers and pretty up my little yard. I have a few DIY projects that I am itching to do. I want soak up sunshine and watch my oldest play basketball and my youngest dig in dirt and blow bubbles. What I really think I need is change! If you are new to my blog it wont take you very long to figure out that I love the very beginning of each season! Am I the only one? Probably! But seriously am I the only one that goes stir crazy and my kids drive me insane being cooped up? 

Before the snow started melting is was a beautiful white wonderland! I was able to get a few shots mostly with my mobile. Reagan did let me bring my "real" camera out for some action for a few. Kullen, as usual, wouldn't really let me photograph him. 

This month I would like to:

March-Restaurant Free . Eating out is so much fun, however, it can get expensive and with the new journey I am embarking on (see below) I think it would be better to stick with home prep. Back to those meal plans! #gains My only exception to this rule is the occasional Starbucks. I mean a girl cant go without! 
Actually Workout. Holy crap weight packs on. Seriously. I’m not even going to pretend like I have really worked out on a regular basis in a very embarrassing long time. I mean I did workout out a few times but nothing that would produce results. I am thinking about posting to the blog for accountability....What would you guys think? Would you be interested to see my journey? Would you help me! let’s do this. 
Spring clean. Those damn ceiling fans. Pardon my french.
Weekend away. Plan a weekend getaway with my husband. I think slipping away every once in a while for a day or two is key for a marriage to thrive. (my own opinion!)
friend time. I think I invest myself so much into my marriage, family, work and my business that I let my friendships take the back burner. I would like to catch up with an old friend.

Also, I am pretty positive that everyone in the whole world knows about Scentsy. If for some reason you have been in a cave and dont know, it is this really awesome wickless candle. You put your wax in the warmer and voila! Awesomeness. My husband was giving me so much flack on how much money I was spending on this product! Hey. Hey. I guess out of all of the senses, smell must be my favorite. Who cares if I have dirty clothes in the floor and dishes in the sink (not really, im pretty OCD) if my house smells good it makes me feel good. I truly believe scents change moods. Wether it be purfume or candles, a smell does a soul good! So I decided to sell it. I dont really really care if someone buys from me, but I hope if you do, you will purchase from me. Disclaimer: I am no salesman! HA!

My go to scents are( for this time of the year):
  • Weathered Leather
  • Skinny Dippin'
  • Luna
  • Perfectly Pomegranate 
  • Thunderstorm
Now, my husbands favorite that he wants me to use year round and I swear ya'll he would bathe in it is, Silver Bells. He loves it! It makes him happy! 

You can order from me here on my website.

Thats all Ive got for now, until next time! Ciao!

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