Keep Calm when Turning 30

Friday, January 25, 2013

I am about to be 30. I just can't believe this is happening. I knew it was inevitable, but so soon? Where did the time go? Like Deana Carter sang, "I still remember, when 30 was old."

Why do I still feel like I'm 19? 
When I was little girl and thinking anything over 30 was ancient. I also remember being a little girl, being convinced that by the time I am "ancient", I'd obviously look like Julia Roberts and have married Richard Gere, Bryan Adams or Leonardo DiCaprio. 

I'd be a Dancer or a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, have a best selling novel, TV show, radio show and be interviewed by Oprah. Duh.

I'll admit, I'm scared of getting old - I will not be one that ages gracefully! I'm not a big fan of wrinkles or the knowledge that my body isn't what it was at 18. Dammit.
I just can't believe it. 30? Did I do enough in my 20's? Was I free-spirited enough? Did I travel enough? Did I have enough twenty year old fun? Was I all I could be? Did I push myself enough?
I now feel like 30 brings on a whole new responsibility of adulthood. I feel like I should suddenly like know everything- like crazy wisdom just flowing out! ha

With all the pressures of being 30, I am also thankful because another year of life is a blessing. Some never have the chance to make it to the BIG THREE-OOOOOOOOOO. Thank you Lord for allowing me to see my babies get older and me being able to instill you in those little hearts.

I find myself wondering what my purpose is in life, and with 30 closing in, I have never been so sure.... it is to be a Mother...sure Ill touch others in my walk of life, but I am impacting these two souls that were entrusted to my care- I am their purpose is to lead them to God.

SOOOOOOOO, you know what? 

I have learned so much in my twenties, I have grown into the person I am today and I am extremely proud of that. I no longer see 30 as being a death sentence, but rather a new beginning. A new chapter. A new decade to keep growing and shaping who I am.

I may be slightly horrified that I am no longer a twenty something year old, but I am excited to see what 30 holds.
In a way I'm glad some of my childhood silly fantasies didn't come true (and proud that some have) because a) I want reality, not a Hollywood/Disney fantasy and b) it means I still have so much to look forward to.

I believe WHOLEHEARTEDLY... the best is yet to come.


Mandi, 30 and holding.. LOL

Reagan's Christmas Party

Friday, January 18, 2013

Reagan's party was really fun! They exchanged gifts, ate and drank hot cocoa. This was the first school party I had got to go to with Reagan because she was sick back at the Halloween party. To say her face lit up like the Fourth of July when I walked in would be an understatement. That is a good feeling, you know, as a mom, to have your little one light up when they see you!

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012 was one of the best Christmases of all time. We ate alot, laughed alot and even got a little snow! First up, school pictures.

Reagan and Mrs. Waldrop

Kullen enjoying his treats. It was also his actual Birthday.


Reagan & Landry

Reagan was the best looking reindeer, don't you think?

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