FAMOUS bathroom pics.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
I didnt post them all because I didnt want internet creepers to be looking at my baby girl, but I took some of the "famous" bathroom pics that every mom takes of thier kids...I have several my mom took! Here is one that wasnt too revealing!
Summer Fun even if the temp is over 101!
I love to take pictures of my kids. I may be partial but I think they are great little camera hogs!
Summer here has been way hot. Today it was like 117 degrees. I am so ready for fall. The kids are too. I think we will all be happier to get to go outside and breathe in some fresh air!! (COOL AIR)
I love the "Baby Doll" stage!
When I was little, I loved to play with baby dolls. My momma and memaw would buy real baby food and diapers and I would play with my babies for hours. I think it is good for a little girl to pretend play. Reagie carries this baby everywhere. Aunt Angie bought it for her on her 2nd Birthday. It has been colored on, cuddled with, wrestled with..you name it. She loves her and she goes everywhere with us. Im not sure what her name is...Im afraid to ask! LOL
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