the nursery is....

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

coming along pretty well~ here is what I have so far. I decided to decorate in shades of pink, brown and green! I hope you all like it. Let me know what you think! Of course I am far from being finished, but it is a nice start!

The big "5"

Kullen had a great birthday party! Thanks to all who came!

finally, Christmas pics....

I am just now getting around to posting pictures...Sorry for the delay, I have been so busy here lately. ;)

We are blessed to say that we had a very Merry Christmas!

Doctor called...........

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

She said my glucose test was fine. At two months I was anemic. I have been taking an iron pill in addition to my prenatal vitamin. She said that my iron was stull wayyyy low so now I have to take an iron pill in the morning, prenatal at noon, and iron pill at night!! No wonder I have been feeling really bad lately. Being that anemic can make you tired and have headaches. Hopefully I will start feeling better soon!

SeVeN MtH cHeCk-Up

Yesterday, I went for my check up at 9:45. I had to drink the yucky super sweet orange drink. Sorta like Sunkist x 4! It was gross, but I managed to gulp it down. I felt a little uneasy after drinking it but nothing too bad. An hour later, I almost passed out when the lady came into the waiting room and yanked my are up and proceeded to take my blood. I felt dizzy and broke into a cold sweat.....sheesh! Anyway, had a bigger jump in weight this time. Not to bad at all, the doc just remined me that the Holidays were over and to get back on my normal eating routine. I asked her if I was having twins or a huge baby or something because everyone seems to think I am huge, which I am in the belly. She ensured me that my weight and measurements were right on the money. She told me to tell everyone that pregnant woman come in all shapes and sizes. I just so happen to be one who carries all out front. She said it definately has its positives and negatives. Positive being that my hiney isnt spread from here to china and I dont have alot of extra everywhere else, Negative being that my back will hurt (and it has been, my sciatic nerve kills me) and stretch marks, since I already know how badly I got them with Kullen. I have been lathering myself in four different lotions so maybe that will help! Because of my history with preterm labor and the pressure already on my cervix, she is going to see me every two weeks now, and she will start checking me. Here is where modesty takes the back burner and about fifty people see your stuff--oh well, better to be safe than sorry. If there is a problem I would like to know ahead of time and not when it occurs. I talked to her also about my swelling. My blood pressure was fine and there was no protien in my urine, so that rules out preeclampsia or however its spelled, lol But she said I should walk a little, (not power walk or walk alot) just a few laps to have a little exercise. I am going to go the Highway dept and walk a few laps after work everyday. She also said to watch sodium!!! I will be a busy girl, getting things ready for her big arrival and being as healthy as I can be! Everyone keep your fingers crossed that my cervix holds up!!! ;)
I'll keep you updated!
Amanda Leigh

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