Most Recent

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just a few around the house!

and more snow......

Friday, March 7, 2008

**SnOwY dAy**


34 week pictures....

Friday, February 29, 2008

Trip to L&D[very scary]

Tuesday, all day, I kept feeling crampy, my back was hurting and I noticed I was having contractions every 20 min apart. Later on that evening, they started getting closer. I called Labor and Delivery and they told me to take Tylenol, lay down and see if they stopped. If not to come in. They didn't stop. They were every 15 min apart. I was going to just go on to bed and all, but after talking to Sharon for a while she convinced me that I should just go ahead on in a get it checked out. Afterall, I am only 34wks which is still to early for Baby Reagan to get here. So we loaded up and went up there. They hooked me up and the Baby was fine, my BP was fine and all that good stuff but I was having contractions. They had got as close as 5 min apart. They decided I had a Kidney Inf/UTI. This was bringing on the contractions and would have eventually brought on Labor. I felt dumb for going up there for that, but I didn't even thing of that ALL I knew was I was having contractions. So they gave me this yucky stuff called Monural to drink, and sent me home and now I have to drink lots of water and cranberry juice. I do feel much better, and contractions have stopped. I go back to see Dr. Bingham on Wednesday, so I guess she can check me all out then and hopefully I will be recovered! I seriously thought she was coming, no lie!! Still have a few more weeks left....I am looking like a whale now though, so that is why I haven't posted any new pics lately.

Check up on February 20, 2008

So, I'm 33 wks now.... I went to the Doc yesterday and she checked me, I have dialated to 1 1/2 now.... She said that the baby was head down and had dropped into my pelvis. (As I expected, because for the last few days I can breathe better, but now my pubic bone and pelvis and BACK are suffering.) She said she didn't feel that I would just go into labor or anything, but she still wants me to take it easy like I have been doing. I go in another two weeks and then after that every week. My blood pressure was good, urine was good and my blood levels were way better after taking iron pills like candy. I feel that it won't be long and little Miss Reagan will make her grand entrance! ;) I can't wait to see her precious little face! I'll keep you updated! Muah!

Happy Heart Day '08

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Here are a few pictures from Kullen's Valentine Party at school and of the awesome roses Opie sent me! ;)

Reagan's Room- Almost finished....

Since the Shower, I have been working hard to get the room organized and in order. I'm not completely done. I still have to pick out curtains and paint the changing table to match the other furniture. You can get the general idea of the look I am going for though. It is all coming together!

Baby Shower!

First of all, I had a wonderful shower on February 9, 2008. Thanks to all who helped, attended and sent gifts! Reagan is definately off to a great start! I love you guys!

This was taken a few weeks ago..

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I think I was like 29 wks, and I am now 31wks.

the nursery is....

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

coming along pretty well~ here is what I have so far. I decided to decorate in shades of pink, brown and green! I hope you all like it. Let me know what you think! Of course I am far from being finished, but it is a nice start!

The big "5"

Kullen had a great birthday party! Thanks to all who came!

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